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8.28.20 - PAYS® + Solar, CoBank Webinar, & CPUC Inclusive Financing


Updated: Aug 31, 2020

Applying the PAYS® System to On-Site Solar to Expand Access for All

  • The highly anticipated DOE Solar LIFT Team’s paper on applying PAYS to on-site solar has been published! Please take a look and share through your social channels!

  • The lead authors include our fellow PAYS Pals Harlan Lachman and Paul Cillo at the Energy Efficiency Institute, Nancy Brockway, and Holmes Hummel who all envisioned the need for this work years ago!

  • This three-part report explores the applicability of PAYS for energy efficiency to on-site solar, the regulatory precedents for PAYS at the state level, and possible financial structures that would enable tax-exempt utilities such as rural cooperatives to adapt PAYS to monetize the federal solar tax credit for their members.

  • Their #1 recommendation is: “Reforming the investment tax credit to be a direct payment would enable lower upfront capital requirements for on-site solar” across the board – and it would eliminate much of the financing complexity and expense required to serve low and moderate income households.

CoBank Webinar: Financing the Future Utility Services Model: Tariffed On-Bill Cost Recovery for Grid Edge Investments

  • Mark Cayce, Curtis Wynn, Holmes Hummel, and Wesley Holmes - PAYS Pals Dream Team - will be speaking on a panel together on September 9, 2020 at 1 PM ET in a webinar hosted by CoBank.

  • Register here to see Curtis Wynn present the results of the very first return on investment analysis of Roanoke Electric Cooperative’s Upgrade to $ave Program using PAYS! The full results will be available in a report authored by LibertyHomes and Enpira that will be published in the 2020 ACEEE Summer Study on Buildings Proceedings! Mark Cayce will provide an update on Ouachita Electric Cooperative’s distributed energy resource investments and Holmes and Wesley will provide a deep dive into inclusive financing!

  • Abstract: Tariffed on-bill programs continue to grow in popularity as an effective model for helping ratepayers at all economic levels make energy efficiency improvements to their homes. Some believe the approach could be the bridge to a more diversified services model that will enable electric cooperatives to sustainably serve growing demand for renewable energy, battery storage and electric transportation.CoBank invites you to hear from two cooperative leaders who are pioneering this model, as well as national experts in tariffed on-bill program development. Presented in partnership with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, this webinar will explore the business case for tariffed on-bill programs, their performance in the field and their impact on rate payers and local economies.

California Public Utilities Commission & Inclusive Financing Update

  • On August 27th, the CPUC voted to adopt the Order Instituting Rulemaking to Investigate and Design Clean Energy Financing Options for Electricity and Natural Gas Customers! See page 43 of the attached CPUC meeting agenda.

  • This decision has started a 30 day clock for comments due 9/27!



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