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4.30.21 - New PAYS Map and Rappahannock Launches Stakeholder Process


New PAYS Landscape Map

LibertyHomes has created the above updated map for advocates and practitioners showing the PAYS program and regulatory landscape. Please feel free to use it!

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative Launches On-Bill Tariff Energy Efficiency Program Development Process

Last week, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative (REC) became the first electric cooperative in Virginia to initiate a stakeholder process before launching an energy-efficiency investment program for their member-owners, as is a requirement for VA coops that wish to take advantage of program pre-approval under VA SB 754 signed into law last spring. The “Green Together: On-Bill Tariff Energy Efficiency Program development” process aims to ensure:

  1. Stakeholders understand the fundamentals and best practices of tariffed on-bill programs.

  2. Stakeholders understand the program guidelines defined in SB 754.

  3. REC understands members' priorities and desired outcomes for this new program.

  4. Stakeholders have a clear understanding of REC’s process and next steps for delivering this program.

  5. Members and stakeholders feel engaged and heard.

The process, facilitated by the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, will involve three two-hour virtual sessions:

  • Session 1 - Understanding Tariffed On-Bill Programs and VA SB 754 (5/21 at 10am)

  • Session 2 - REC Program Design, the Member Experience, and Consumer Protections 6/30 at 10am)

  • Session 3 - Stakeholder Questions, Clarifications and Feedback (8/26 at 10am)

After REC completes this stakeholder process, they will be permitted under VA SB 754 to launch their inclusive utility investment program for energy efficiency 120 days later with an informational filing to the State Corporation Commission. You can register for the workshops here.



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