Comments Filed in California Public Utilities Commission’s Order Instituting Rulemaking to Investigate Inclusive Financing!
You may remember PAYS Pal’s 8.21.20 Newsletter about the California Public Utilities Commission’s new Proposed Decision on an Order Instituting Rulemaking (OIR) to Investigate and Design Clean Energy Financing Options for Electricity and Natural Gas Customers.
Backstory: The California Energy Efficiency Action Plan recommended that the CPUC adopt inclusive financing. Rather than working to approve inclusive financing for renewables, energy efficiency, transportation, building electrification, and community storage in various separate dockets, the inclusive financing rulemaking was introduced as single proceeding for all distributed resources and assigned to an administrative law judge.
On August 27th, the CPUC voted to adopt the OIR which started a 30 day clock for comments. These comments have now been filed! See below the list of filed comments that have been made public thus far. Many of these advocate for TOB but our list starts with two of the strongest (the remainder are not in any particular order):